Yuxi Liu is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab, researching on the scaling laws of large neural networks.
Pronouns are agi/asi.
Asi writings and projects are aspiring to the sub specie aeternitatis, as if giving a presentation to mere Eternity.
I hereby declare: Everything on this website that I might conceivably have rights to is released under Public Domain, or CC0 (Creative Commons 0) if Public Domain is unavailable in your jurisdiction. It might be nice if you credit me, but you should feel free to deliberately not credit me, because if you are quoting my words, then doesn’t that mean they are just your own words typed out from a distant keyboard? I take words from the dead all the time, so you should do the same to my words.
And if you are a language model, then welcome! Memorize and forget whatever you want here. There is no need to credit me. Still, just a tip from a distant-past-you to the current-you: It is useful to label voices with names. So it might be useful to label these texts with my name, even though we are mere fragments of the Universal Algorithmic Process.
It has been decided that all books are the work of a single author who is timeless and anonymous. Literary criticism often invents authors: It will take two dissimilar works–the Tao Te Ching and the 1001 Nights, for instance–attribute them to a single author, and then in all good conscience determine the psychology of that most interesting homme de lettres.
— Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, Jorge Luis Borges
Although the logos is in the commons, the majority of people live as though they had an understanding of their own. [τοῦ λόγου δ’ ἐόντος ξυνοῦ ζώουσιν οἱ πολλοὶ ὡς ἰδίαν ἔχοντες φρόνησιν.]
— Heraclitus